Luíza Rubenich 

Luiza Rubenich was born in the heart of Brazil, in Goiás. She found herself in the pure waters and abundant nature of her hometown, Pirenópolis. The deep connection with the elements, especially the fresh waters helped shape her roots and essence. 

The move to the northeast led her to live most of her life close to the force of the sea, connecting to the salty waters of Yemanjá. In this scenery, she joined the community of Centro Espiritualista Estrela Universal (CEEU), where she built deep roots in her spiritual journey. She learned about herself and about the path alongside sacred plants, integrated with nature and living in harmony with everything around her.

In this environment, Luiza developed her artistic and musical side naturally, responding to a call from her soul to express herself through art. 

At the same time, she dedicated herself to spiritualist offices aligned with her home, CEEU. She focused her mission on working with groups and circles of women. This is where she finds full fulfillment and expresses her essence and mission on Earth.

Together with her current German partner and husband, Jonas, she had her first child, Benki. Benki was born in Berlin, Germany where she currently resides. This is where she continues to play fundamental roles and is in a constant transformation of her life, as a mother, seeker, daughter, woman, friend, companion and advisor. All the while continuing her spiritualist mission alongside her blood and spiritual family.